Hi, everyone.
Thank you for reading.
Today’s topic is “Filipino agriculture”.
Experience of Filipino Agriculture
When I was university student, I got opportunity of participating field study of Filipino organic agriculture.
I was surprised because my university was not much related with agriculture, but glad to apply it.
I heard after the field study that there were not many applications so it was easy to take the program.
About 20 students took the program and they have different reasons to study there.
Some of them wanted to know organic agriculture, poverty, and happiness of life.
Most of them attended for credits actually.
Anyway, each of them had different motivation of the program so I could enjoy to discuss with them.
The field study was the one of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal).
What’s PRA
PRA can be described as a family of approaches, methods and behaviours that enable local people to express and Analysis the reality of their lives and conditions, to plan themselves what action to take, implement the planned programs and to monitor and evaluate the results.
quoted from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs site
We got many opportunities to discuss with local people.
That was very nice experience to understand their real life.
At the beginning, I introduce the speech of local teacher.
He talked about
・Food relationship between developed country and developing country
・Leader theory
He said “It is important that each person of NGO and the other organizations need to act for region as if they were local people”.
I figured out what people from NGO must think that want to change the region better earnestly otherwise make a gap between local people and them.
I stayed local house once in the program so got close to local people at that time.
I was surprised that he said although poor country’s farm grows any vegetable, fruit or something, buyers bring it to developed country so they have not much food.
I don’t know it’s real or not but some people feel something like that.
Recently, most people in the world act for SDGs like decreasing food waste so I hope that the action solute the issue.
He said “good leader has 3H.”
・Heads (knowledge)
・Hands (work at site)
Hearts (create something good together)
I will write up the story of farmers next article.
Thank you for reading.