Thank you for visiting my blog.
I will tell you about the last planting.
I bought potato seeds few weeks ago and wait until their sprouts went out before I cultivate in order to make some ridges.
Later, I covered some ridges by ‘multi’.

I will explain respectively.
Potato Sprouts
I bought Potato seeds a few weeks ago.
The seeds didn’t have sprouts at that time.
I placed it by a window and they sprouted like this.

Before I plant,I had to cut them, which I had to be extra careful not to damage the sprouts.
Potato planting
It was raining, so I wondered weather I could plant or not because the tuber might get stuck in damp soil.
However, it was dry in the morning so I decided to go out and plant.

At the beginning, I started to make some ridges for making the soil well drained.
If I didn’t, it was going to be submerged on a case of heavy rain day.
‘Multi’ is the black vinyl and it helps to:
・ Keep the field warm
・ Decrease weed
My neighbor, who is a farmer, taught me that I need to plant before cover the mound by the multi.
Very interesting.
After making some mounds, I took a small rest and my neighbor gave me lots of young lettuce plants.
Thank you very much.
Plant the young lettuce and tubers
I started to plant the tubers which I’ve already cut and dried.

My neighbor told me that it was a little bit late to plant them in my region, and it would be better to plant at shallower location.
After covering the mounds by vinyl multi, I continued to plant the young lettuce.

It became this.

I’m willing to plant something at the other mounds which I still haven’t done anything.
If you have any idea on what to do please let me know.
Thank you for reading.