Hi, thank you for visiting Agri Step.
Today I’ll show you the change of my field in 2 weeks.
Field Diary 2 weeks ago
I tear the ‘multi vinyl’ again this week.
This is the picture of the tuber which was exposed last time.

It seems like it’s growing well.

39 out of 40 tubers have buds and the germination rate is about 97.5%.
These rates are really important for farmers in order to decide how many seeds are needed to be planted every season.

I was surprised that the tuber I had taken off the ground had buds.
However, 1 tuber which I had taken off as well didn’t have bud.
If I haven’t done so, the tuber might have sprouted…
Lesson learned.
The Japanese mustard spinach have sprouted.

The explanatory note described 90% of germination rate.
I’m looking forward to that.
Field Diary last week
I put additional fertilizer because I had mentioned that the young lettuces seemed like they’ve lacked of calcium.
I noticed it since the young lettuce’s color was a little yellow and brown.
Actually, the symptom is caused by the excess of calcium as well since the calcium congeal around roots and hinder the growth.
The young lettuce is able to absorb nutrition in case it’s given potassium.
The potassium help the plant to absorb water and nutrition.

In this time, I gave it to part of young lettuce, Japanese mustard spinach and tuber using liquid fertilizer.
The Japanese mustard spinach sprouted like this.

Some of them have already been eaten by insects.
I measured the young lettuce and tuber.

The lettuce seemed curled up.
I thinned out the sprouts of tuber in order that they will get much bigger.

I left 1 or 2 sprouts of each tubers but I didn’t touch some tubers as an experiment.
I hope you can enjoy their change.
They changed much faster, maybe because it’s getting warm these days.
See you next time!
Thank you for reading Agri Step.